How Much Do YouTubers Make in a Month?

Emmanuel Chekumbe

This article will discuss How Much Do YouTubers Make and the different ways to make money from YouTube.

Most people know that YouTubers can monetize their channels by adding ads before or during videos and then earning a cut of the revenue that Google makes from those ads.

But there are other ways, too. Through product placement in videos, paid appearances on other people’s channels, sponsorship deals with brands, and more. To become a successful YouTuber, you need both creativity and business sense- so read on!

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How Much Do YouTubers Make & How to Become a Youtuber

Monetization Explained

Monetization is when you get paid to advertise or promote a product, service, website, etc., in your videos.

When your channel reaches 10,000 total views (and can maintain that viewership for at least 30 days), you can apply for monetization through the YouTube Partner Program.

Once you are monetized, your videos automatically play ads to your audience. You can choose which types of ads you’d like to display to your viewers (annotated by brushing over the advertisement for a few seconds) and how much money you make per view (we’ll explain that later).

Monetization is not to be confused with sponsorship. Sponsorship, which lets a company brand your video, doesn’t allow you to earn any money through ads since they are not considered advertisements.

How much do Youtubers make?

In general, it is hard to state how much YouTubers earn from their videos because viewership varies widely from one person to another. Generally speaking, though, there are a few factors that will contribute directly to your ad revenue:

– Your AdSense account and associated monetization settings. Google shares with you 55% of your ad earnings. YouTube itself keeps the rest.

1. The number of views your videos get.

Generally speaking, you have 100,000+ subscribers and a 4 to 5 percent watch rate (percentage of people who watch your videos out of the number who visit your channel). Then you can expect to make quite a bit.

Note that AdSense counts not all views; if someone watches 10 seconds (or 20 for TrueView) or less, they’re not considered a view.

2. Your video’s “CPM.”

CPM stands for “cost per thousand,” which is how much it costs an advertiser to reach you (and your viewers) 1,000 times.

This metric varies widely depending on the target demographic that an advertiser wants to reach. How much YouTube pays is determined by an AdSense formula that considers the location of viewers and other significant factors such as your video’s category. The higher your CPM is, the more you can expect to earn from each view.

For example, someone watching a recipe in India should expect to be paid less than someone watching a review on sports gear in the US.

An Average YouTuber with 10,000 views a month, uses AdSense for content, and has the default start CPM could expect to make around $1.30 per 1,000 views.

3. Subscribers’ base.

The more subscribers you have, the more potential revenue you can make from your channel since YouTube calculates this into its AdSense formula.

4. Monetizing playlists, channels, and videos.

In addition to individual video views, some other metrics are considered by AdSense when it calculates rates for certain types of content, such as monetization of playlists.

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How Many Views Do YouTubers Need to Get Monetized?

YouTube says, “To qualify for advertising and receive a share of YouTube’s revenue. You need to reach 10,000 watch hours in the previous 12 months and have at least 1,000 subscribers.”

However, suppose your channel follows Google’s advertiser policy. In that case, they expect that “your content is suitable for all audiences, or you are only targeting a subset of audiences.” For example, if you are a gaming channel targeted at adults 18+ but your videos have minors in them).

Also, suppose your videos feature any content that is not advertiser-friendly, including footage of violence, sexually suggestive content, mature subjects, and swearing. In that case, you will not be eligible for monetization.

How Much Money Can A YouTuber Make Per Video

There is no set amount that any YouTuber can make, as it varies by how many viewers you have and the advertisers on your videos.

Usually, an advertiser will pay a certain amount of money to be played before your video (also called pre-roll) or included in your video itself as a banner (also called mid-roll).

The more popular your videos are, the more money you will make off each view.

How Much Money Does A YouTuber Make Per Subscriber?

On YouTube, people can subscribe to different channels they like and follow them to be updated when new videos come out.

YouTubers make money by getting paid to advertise or promote a product, service, website, etc. The more subscribers they have (i.e., the more people who see their ads), they will make more money off each click they get on YouTube.

So, in essence: If you subscribe to a channel, you are helping them make more money.

How Much Money Can YouTubers Make Per Video?

YouTube pays YouTubers through AdSense (or AdChoice), an advertising program that automatically displays advertisements to watchers before the video starts playing.

The ad network shares 55% of its revenue with the channel on which it appears so that YouTubers can make a decent amount of money from each view.

How many views do YouTubers need to get paid?

The more views your channel gets, the more money you will make through ads displayed on your videos, plus whatever else you can earn through other sources (such as sponsorships or endorsements).

However, how much money you get for each view will vary, depending on the number of viewers your channel attracts. That being said, according to Social Blade, the very top YouTubers make around $7.60 per 1000 views.

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How to make money on YouTube

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to make money on YouTube:

  1. It would be best to have a YouTube channel expressly set up for monetization. This means having at least 10,000 total views and 1,000 subscribers.
  2. Go to the AdSense website and sign in with your Google account (if you have YouTube monetization enabled).
  3. Click on “My channels,” and you will see a list of all your videos, sorted by the number of views.
  4. For each video, you can view details about how much money that video has generated in revenue since being uploaded to YouTube, including the amount of revenue from pre-roll ads, mid-roll ads, and TrueView in-search ads.
  5. You can set up a payment schedule so you get paid monthly – click on the gear icon next to your video and choose ‘Edit.’
  6. There’s also AdSense for content, which allows you to make money from sites that run your videos or content.
  7. You can make money from sites that show your videos through YouTube Partner Program or YouTube Network.
  8. Use the ‘InVideo Programming’ feature to include non-skippable video advertisements in your videos.
  9. Also, consider joining multi-channel networks, companies that manage multiple partnered channels, helping them with promotion and cross-promotion, etc. Networks usually take a percentage of your ad revenue in exchange for these services.
  10. Promote yourself through other social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc. With the right amount of time, energy, and effort, you can make a decent living from YouTube monetization!

What other ways do YouTubers make money?

In addition to making money from AdSense, some YouTubers make money from sponsorships or endorsements.

  • Sponsorships.

In exchange for writing a product into one of their videos, YouTubers will get paid by companies to promote their products or services. Naturally, this requires a significant number of subscribers on your channel.

  • Endorsements

Like it is the case with traditional celebrities, some YouTubers can land deals to promote products or services through their social media presence. This also requires a significant number of subscribers.

How To Become A Youtuber?

Becoming a Youtuber can be a lengthy process. But if you’re persistent and dedicate a few hours every day, it will likely pay off with time.

  1. Create an account on YouTube and fill out your profile in full.
  2. Make sure that your channel is eligible for monetization before uploading any videos. This means having at least 10,000 total views and 1,000 subscribers on your channel.
  3. Make sure you have an appealing profile picture for your account.
  4. Upload videos regularly but not so often that it bores people to death!
  5. Make sure your first few videos are of decent enough quality so that viewers will subscribe to your channel.
  6. Also, make sure you have a good video title.
  7. To get more views, use keywords in the title and description of your videos for people to find them through search engine queries. Make sure your tags are also relevant to what the video is about.
  8. Make sure you have a good channel description for people to know what you do/are about.
  9. Also, consider adding ‘About’ videos, a separate video that explains who you are and what your channel is all about. It could be an excellent way to connect with subscribers and gain more interest.
  10. Post your videos on other social media sites to gain views and subscribers, but never spam people with it! Be considerate of social media users by keeping the frequency at reasonable levels.
  11. Promote yourself through other social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc. With the right amount of time, energy, and effort, you can make a decent living from YouTube monetization!

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To Sum Up.

Youtube is an excellent platform for those looking to share their thoughts and ideas with the world. With over 1 billion users on the site, it’s easy to find an audience that will appreciate your content if you keep putting in consistent effort.

In the end, you’ll need a good quality webcam or even a separate video camera, a decently quiet room, and high upload speed.

If you prefer to record directly on your computer, you can use screen capture software such as Camtasia Studio for videos with higher production values.

If possible, purchase an external microphone so that you can ensure the audio quality of your videos is good.

Good lighting, either natural or artificial depending on conditions, is also very important for making sure that your video comes out looking great.

To become a Youtuber, choose a topic that you are passionate about and excited to discuss. It’s much easier to stay motivated if you enjoy what you are talking about. So set up your channel around a topic interesting to you.

Also, stay consistent, so loyal viewers know when to expect new content from you!

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As a Digital Marketing Specialist, Emmanuel writes about the latest trends in digital marketing. He is always up-to-date on the latest tools and techniques and enjoys sharing his knowledge. Connect with him on Linkedin