How to Start a Blog in Kenya 2025

Emmanuel Chekumbe

This post will help you start your blog in Kenya.

You’ve heard that blogging is a great way to make money online, but you don’t know anything about blogging. What do you do?

I have been blogging since 2015, when I started a blog about my life as an exchange student. It soon turned into something bigger: I graduated from college and found out that the people viewing my blog were willing to pay me money for reading it!

Now I am willing to give you tips on starting your blog in this article.

So let’s begin

Starting a Blog in Kenya

What is a blog, and what does it do?

A blog is an online journal that you can start in minutes. You can create a personal blog to share your thoughts and experiences with anyone who wants to read it or start a business blog to share the happenings of your company and get potential customers interested in what you have to offer. If you want, you can create a blogging website as well.

Why should I start my blog?

There are many reasons why you start your blog. If you create a blogging website, you can earn money by using Google AdSense or other affiliate programs to make money from the traffic that comes into your website. You can start a personal blog and then freelance; I have freelanced for nearly three years!

The other reason to start a blog is to start building your brand. When you create a personal blog, you can start sharing more about yourself than anyone else can find online. You could start an informational blog with expert advice or start a political blog and share your opinions and make those who disagree with your points of view think about what you’re saying.

Just remember, when it comes down to it, blogs started by people like me are used to make money!

How do I start my blog?

You can start your blog a few ways, but the main course is using Blogger or WordPress to create your website. The best part about both of these platforms is that they’re free! If you start with blogger, be aware that it will put your ad codes in place for you if you decide later to start using Google AdSense. However, if you start with WordPress, it is almost impossible not to use affiliate programs or AdSense. So this isn’t a problem; it just depends on what kind of blogging experience you want at first.

If you start with blogging platforms that are not free, it is usually better to start with WordPress because there are tons of support out there for the WordPress platform. If you start on another blog site, like Blogger or Tumblr, all of your questions will be directed towards Google, and your main source of help will come from other users who have had experience using that website. It’s still manageable, though!

What should I write about?

There are many things to write about, but if you want people to read what you’re writing about, you need to start by making sure that there is something in it for them. For example: when my sister started her blog, she wrote about her daily life as a college student. She would write about her classes and what she had learned, but no one was reading it!

When I told her how to start a blog that people want to read, I told her that everything should offer value to the reader. If you can teach them something, or tell them some piece of information that they didn’t have before, then you’ll start seeing results right away.

For example:

  • Start a baking blog where you teach the reader how to do something new in their kitchen every time you post an update. Maybe you bake cookies and then go over all of your tips and tricks on how to get cookies just like yours. Or perhaps you start making Christmas ornaments, and you teach the reader how to create a new hobby during Christmas. The possibilities are endless!
  • Start a blog where you post about what is happening in your neighborhood or city. If there’s some tragedy, start writing about it because people want to hear more; if there’s something fun happening, start posting!

TIP: People like to read up on anything that makes them look good. For example, You could start a fashion blog showing off the latest trendy outfit you have put together for an event or date every time you update the website. That way, everyone who reads your page will start wishing they looked just as fashionable as you do! It gives them ideas and makes them question their outfit choices before they start making a trip to the mall. This is one of my favorite ways to create a fashion blog because it gives you total control over what goes up on your page and, if people start using your ideas, no one will be able to tell that you were not the person who came. Up with those fashionable ideas!

How do I make money from my blog?

This is the part that everyone wants to know about, but unfortunately, there isn’t just one way to start earning money from blogging. Instead, many different methods can help you start earning income to pay off college loans or pay for rent! The good thing about this is that the more you start making, the less money you will need to spend on normal bills. It’s a great idea if you don’t want your readers to begin feeling disgusted by how much money you are making off of them!

Start blogging for free because there are so many free writing opportunities. Once people start reading your blog and start following it, they’ll begin to be interested in what products or businesses you promote. This means that they’ll start buying those products or visiting those establishments. That’s where the real money comes from when people start seeing their website after reading your article about it!

TIP: If you do not want any ads on your page, then make sure that no one knows that you are making money from your page. There’s nothing worse than a fan of your blog to start reading an article and then start seeing ads or banners all over the place!

Start signing up with a Google AdSense account. This is a great way to start earning money from your blog because the only thing that you need to start doing is start typing your stories! The great thing about this feature is that it can help send new visitors to your website.

Start writing for other blogs, such as Huffington Post, and get paid for articles! Just create a Google search and look for other blogs that upload jobs. If there’s one in your field, then start applying! Even if you don’t start getting paid right away, at least you’ll be able to start building up your resume!

Tips on writing an engaging headline that grabs readers’ attention

Now that you start a blog, start thinking about writing an engaging headline. You need your reader to begin reading the article; they will not start to click on it if you start with something boring like “How to start a blog” or “The Basics of Starting Your Blog.” Instead, start writing headlines that get people’s attention by telling them what they want to know and start enticing them!

One way that I like to start my headlines is by using questions. This works great because it makes the viewer feel like they have already begun to answer the question for themselves. For example: “Can you make money from blogging?” This gets people interested in finding out whether or not there is a chance at making some money. Now start reading some of the articles that start appearing when you start using “How to start a blog” as your search term!

Another way I like to start up my headlines is by stating what the reader will gain if they start reading the article. For example: “How To Start A Blog And Gain 1,000 Readers In Just One Week”. Not only does this grab their attention because it’s bold and capitalized, but it also makes them feel as though they have already started seeing results from giving the idea a try! They couldn’t go wrong with creating an entire business—a blog—from scratch in just one week without any prior experience, right?

How often you should be posting new content on your blog, including the best times of day to post content

Now start figuring out how often you should start posting content on your blog. Different blogs start with varying goals in mind. For example, some bloggers start writing for fun and have a lot more free time to post new articles whenever they like. Other bloggers start their site to earn money from it one day; these types of blogs need to post relevant, valuable information on their readership daily if they want people to keep visiting all the time!

How often you start posting depends on what goal you have in setting up the blog in the first place. I suggest that you start experimenting a little bit and see which timing works best for your audience. You will not know until you start applying your knowledge! The best times to start posting on your blog are in the morning or night. Don’t start posting late at night if you start a blog for fun, as it can start appearing unprofessional and start working against you to gain more readers.

– Morning:  Early readers start visiting my blogs because they start work in the mornings; this is also when I start making breakfast! Start writing an informative blog that helps people educate themselves about daily issues, so try to post around 8 AM. This is most likely when many of your visitors will start reading as well. You can even try testing out different day hours and see which one works better for your audience.

– Evening:   If you write a blog that starts providing entertainment to your readers, start posting at night. For example, if you start writing a comic book blog that starts poking fun at the popular ones out there right now, start posting when everyone is winding down for the day/night and start having some free time on their hands to start reading what you have to say. Just remember that not all of your readers might be working; many of them might be from other countries who don’t work at the same hours as we do here in America.

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As a Digital Marketing Specialist, Emmanuel writes about the latest trends in digital marketing. He is always up-to-date on the latest tools and techniques and enjoys sharing his knowledge. Connect with him on Linkedin
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