How to FIX KPLC Meter Connection Failed

Tim Jumah

Are you frustrated by the ‘connection failed’ message when connecting and loading tokens to your KPLC Meter? Don’t worry – this common problem can be easily fixed. In this article, we will discuss what causes the connection failure and provide step-by-step instructions on resolving it quickly.

We will also offer some tips on preventing similar problems in the future. So if you are experiencing difficulties connecting your prepaid meter, keep reading!

Related: How to Buy Tokens Via Mpesa

How to FIX KPLC Meter Connection Failed

There are several potential reasons why your prepaid meter may fail to connect: here are some of the most common ones:

  • Low battery: The batteries in your meter may be drained, preventing a successful connection. Replace the batteries and try again.
  • Faulty CIU cable or adapter: The cable or adapter connecting your Consumer Interface Unit(CIU) to the power outlet could be damaged or defective. Try a different cable or adapter to rule this out.
  • No batteries in the CIU: If using batteries in the CIU, ensure they are correctly inserted and not drained. Replace if needed.
  • Tripped circuit breakers: Check that the circuit breakers for your meter have not tripped and are in the ‘on’ position. Reset if tripped.
  • Damaged meter components: In rare cases, the meter’s internal parts could be damaged or faulty. Contact KPLC customer service to test and repair/replace the meter if the above steps do not resolve the issue.

How to Fix the kplc CIU connection failed

So, how do you fix the prepaid meter not connecting problem?

The first step is:

  • Replace your batteries with new ones.
  • Disconnect all other appliances in the house from the sockets.
  • Connect the CIU directly to the wall socket (not via extension cable).
  • When it displays “Connecting” or is struggling to connect, key in 59698686 and press “Enter” immediately, followed by the meter or token number if you are in the darkness. Then press Ok. If it accepts, enter 1275 4194 1448 6450 5970, then Ok. Once it also accepts the key in the meter number.

You may have to repeat the above step twice or thrice for it to work.

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Jumah has been a content writer for business and technology topics since early 2019. He has experience in writing and marketing and is dedicated to creating informative and engaging content.