How to Pay Tala Loan Via Mpesa in Kenya

Simon Mwangi

Today I will show you how to repay Tala’s loan using different methods.

Tala is the biggest mobile money-lender in Kenya. More than 5,000,000 people have applied for a loan from Tala since it was founded in 2011. It has disbursed over $1 billion and expects to reach $5 billion by the end of this year.

Getting a loan is the best way to get instant cash. You can use the funds for any purpose, including business start-ups, medical expenses, and household improvements. You can get a Tala loan and pay it quickly whenever you want.

Let’s take a look at how you can repay your Tala loan step-by-step:

How to Pay Tala Loan via Mpesa

Are you Looking for how to pay a Tala loan using Paybill? Then this is an excellent way to repay your Tala loan using the Tala Paybill Number. I would only recommend this if you want to make quick instalments, don’t have an internet connection, or have deleted the Tala App on your phone.

Here is how to Pay the Tala loan using Mpesa Paybill:

  1. Open Mpesa on your phone
  2. Select Lipa Na Mpesa
  3. Enter Tala Paybill Number 851900
  4. Use your phone number as the account number. (Remember to use your phone number to get a loan from Tala.
  5. Enter the amount you wish to repay your Tala loan. You can make partial payments.
  6. Complete the process by entering your Pin.

You can also pay a Tala loan using Mpesa for another number. Just make sure you select the number of your friend or family member as the account number when paying using the Tala Paybill number.

After paying the Tala loan via Mpesa, they will send you a message confirming they received your Tala Payment.

How to Repay Tala Via The Tala App

This is the easiest and most recommended way to repay Tala Loan. All you need is the Tala App and an internet connection.

Follow these steps, and you can repay your Tala loan:

  1. Launch the Tala App on your Smartphone
  2. Enter your PIN
  3. If you had taken a loan, it would show on the APP
  4. Click on “Make a Payment
  5. Enter the amount you wish to pay. Or Pay the entire loan amount.
  6. Click Make Payment,
  7. This will send a push notification to Mpesa and open MPesa on your phone.
  8. Enter your Mpesa PIN, and that is it.

Tala will send you a confirmation message, and you will notice the loan has been cleared on the APP.

Can I Pay Tala Loan Using Another Number?

Yes, you can. You can easily pay a Tala loan using another number through M-Pesa.

Here is how you can repay the Tala loan using another number:

  1. Open the Sim kit on your mobile phone
  2. Select Mpesa
  3. Then navigate to Lipa Na M-pesa
  4. Enter Tala Paybill number 851900
  5. Regarding the Account Number, Enter the other phone number that took Tala’s loan. (Not your current phone number)
  6. Make the Payment, and you will receive a Mpesa confirmation message.
  7. Tala will send their message to the number you are paying for.
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As a freelance writer with a background in banking and accounting, Simon has the financial know-how to produce quality content on various topics. His experience gives him a strong foundation in understanding complex financial concepts and communicating them in an easy-to-understand way.