The 10 Job-Hunting Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Anne Katana

Job hunting is hard. It’s even harder when you’re unaware of people’s most common mistakes during their job search or how to avoid them.

The good news is that you can do specific things to improve your chances of landing a new job and getting paid what you deserve. We’ve put together a list of 10 common errors made by many Kenyan job seekers and how to avoid them so that you will have more success in your job hunt!

Common job-hunting mistakes

Here are some of the most common mistakes people make during their job search, along with some simple tips on avoiding them.

Following any online leads without checking them out first

Conduct thorough research to determine if more reputable companies in your area or industry hire. Also, don’t forget to check out our previous articles for some fresh ideas on how to get your resume noticed!

Applying for any job without tailoring your CV

Tailor your CV, so it’s relevant to each company you’re applying to. Proofread your CV before sending it out. Stay away from generic CVs to have a better chance of being noticed by potential employers!

Relying too much on word-of-mouth referrals to find job leads

Do thorough research on the industry you want to be in. Visit Kenyan Hot Jobs or Indeed to find out which companies are currently hiring. Also, don’t forget about the power of social media! Create a LinkedIn profile so you can connect with recruiters and potential employers.

 Not being open to relocation

Many companies require that you relocate to take up a job offer. Think about the kind of company and location that best suits your skills and experience, then find out if any opportunities are available at those companies.

Focusing too much on salary when negotiating a job offer

While it’s completely understandable that you want to get paid what you deserve for the work you will be doing, focusing too much on salary can push away potential employers. Instead of emphasizing your current or expected salary, talk about your skills and experience, why they are relevant to the company, and how they will benefit your organization.

Not being familiar with a company’s culture before going for an interview

#6 Tips for avoiding this mistake: Research a company by reading articles on their website or publishing them in news media. You can also read reviews of the company on sites like Tripadvisor to get a better idea of what it’s like to work there.

Not selling yourself during the interview

You should be talking more about yourself than the interviewer does during your job interview! Don’t be afraid to show how passionate you are about being a part of their team and organization. Talk about your skills and experience and how they will benefit the company, and mention any awards or professional affiliations you hold.

Being pessimistic about current or past employers

During your job interview, don’t say anything wrong about previous employers – no matter how true it is! Remember to stay positive during the entire interview process.

Not bringing copies of your CV to the interview

Make sure you have many copies of your resume if you are asked for them by anyone involved in the hiring process. Bring at least three resumes with you if more than one person is interviewing you.

Not researching the company before going in for an interview

Why are they hiring? What is their mission statement? What are their values? Why would someone want to work there? Please research so you can talk about it during your job interview! Remember that you are more likely to get a job if you know what it is like working for the company.

Ways to make sure you don’t make this mistake :

Use sites like Google Maps, Google Search, and LinkedIn to find out about companies before applying.

Visit new places or go on ‘field trips’ for fun – like branch offices or other places where the company operates-discover more about working for them.

For example, if you’re applying to work at Mars Kenya, check out their website, Facebook page, and Twitter handle. You can also find articles written about the company on LinkedIn. If you still want to know more, visit their branches and ask questions about what it’s like to work there and the company culture.

It would help if you also talked to people who currently work for that company. You can reach out through email, Linked In, and other online platforms. Doing this will give you a better idea of what it’s like working for them and whether you would enjoy it.

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Anne is a student of history. She enjoys sharing her passion and experiences with people through blogging. She started to educate and inspire people globally.