25 Best Internet Safety Tips for Kids

Ida Musyoka

There are many things to be aware of regarding internet safety tips for kids. From cyberbullying to inappropriate content, many dangers are lurking online.

Also, many kids are exposed to social media very young. Parents may worry about what their child is doing online or on their phones, especially when they start unsupervised using the internet.

Social media can be dangerous for children because someone can use their private information against them.

The internet can also connect kids with predators who try to get them involved in harmful activities.

It is equally important for parents and children to use the internet and social media responsibly.

Parents should monitor what their child is doing online and discuss their encounters while surfing the web.

Many dangers can be avoided by properly educating your child about the internet. Here are some internet safety tips for kids to keep your child safe while they’re surfing the web

Internet Safety Tips for Kids

Here are the 25 best Internet Safety Tips for Kids.

1. Establish guidelines and ground rules

Before giving your child access to the internet, it makes sense to establish some guidelines for using it.

For example, set a schedule that outlines when they can be on the computer and what sites they’re allowed to visit. Make sure you follow through with consequences if your child doesn’t obey the rules.

2. Be aware of online grooming

Online grooming is when an adult establishes an emotional connection with a child to manipulate them into doing something they wouldn’t usually do, like meet up in person.

If you suspect this might happen, ensure your child knows what messages to look out for and immediately report any suspicious behavior to you.

3. Monitor what your child is doing

In addition to setting guidelines for internet use, you must monitor what your child is regularly doing.

If you see something uncomfortable, talk to them and tell them they can come to you if any issues arise.

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4. Use parental control software

Several different parental control software options are available, and using one can be a great way to keep track of your child’s online activity.

Choose one that fits your needs and install it on all devices your child uses to access the internet.

5. Set up your child’s email account

Their email account is an excellent way for kids to communicate with friends and family online.

Ensure it’s on an email provider that offers parental control features, like Gmail or Yahoo Mail.

Once you set up the account, you can decide what emails they get and their contacts.

6. Help your child build a positive online reputation

Kids can easily engage in risky behavior while using the internet, even operating within the rules.

Make sure they know how to present themselves and mitigate any negative consequences by emphasizing safety and responsibility online.

7. Teach your child about phishing and scams

Phishing and scam emails are common ways for criminals to steal people’s personal information. Teach your child how to spot these emails and what to do if they receive one.

8. Educate your child about inappropriate content

Your child must understand what types of content are unsuitable for them to see online. This includes pornography, violence, and swearing.

Talk with them about why these things are harmful, and ensure they know how to report inappropriate content.

9. Set up a family computer, phone, or tablet

A family computer, phone, or tablet can be a great way to watch your child’s online activity.

Make sure the device is password protected and has parental control software installed. This will help you ensure that your child is only viewing appropriate content.

10. Keep up with the latest internet safety trends

The internet is constantly evolving, and new types of scams, viruses, and inappropriate content are continually being created.

Ensure you keep up with current trends to protect your child from emerging dangers.

11. Don’t let your child be a victim of cyberbullying

Cyberbullying can be incredibly damaging, both mentally and emotionally. Make sure your child knows how to deal with cyberbullying if it happens to them and encourage them to speak with an adult if it continues.

It can be easy for cyberbullies to abuse social media platforms. Teach your children not to share personal information online, and encourage them to speak with an adult immediately if they are being harassed or bullied.

12. Promote responsible online behavior

Your child must understand the consequences of their actions online. Teach them how to be responsible and respectful when using the internet, and ensure they know what real-world consequences of their behavior can be.

13. Beware of predators

Predators often use the internet to target children. Teach your child about the dangers of talking to strangers online, and ensure they know not to give out personal information.

14. Use a strong password

A strong password is essential for keeping your child’s online account safe. Make sure it’s difficult for others to guess, and change it regularly.

15. Encourage them to use privacy settings

Encourage your child to change their privacy settings on all social media platforms, and show them how they can limit who has access to their personal information. Several different apps allow you to share privately with specific contacts.

16. Install an antivirus program on all your devices

Ensure you install an antivirus program on your child’s devices and update it regularly to help keep them protected against potential threats.

17. Take advantage of parental control software

Parental control software helps protect your child from inappropriate content and monitor their online activity. Many different programs are available, so find one that best suits your needs.

18. Supervise your child’s internet use

Supervising your child’s internet use is the best way to ensure their safety online. Ensure you know which websites they’re visiting and what they’re doing online.

19. Teach them to identify phishing emails

Phishing emails are used by cybercriminals to gain access to your child’s personal information and can be difficult for kids to spot.

Ensure they know what types of emails to look for, and teach them how to report these emails to you if they come across one.

20. Keep your computer’s operating system and software up-to-date

You must keep the operating system and any software on your child’s devices up-to-date as new security threats are constantly discovered.

21. Don’t share personal information

Your child mustn’t give out personal information online, including their name, address, and phone number. Teach them never to share this information with people they don’t know or trust.

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22. Find out what age restrictions are in place

Find the age restrictions for any apps or games your child wants to download.

There is no set age restriction for downloading applications, so make sure you know what types of content can be found in each app.

23. Monitor online activity regularly

Make sure you monitor your child’s online activity regularly and look for signs of engaging in risky behavior. You can check their social media accounts, email, and internet history.

24. Don’t use insecure Wi-Fi networks

Public Wi-Fi networks can be a goldmine for criminals seeking to steal personal information.

When using a public network, ensure your child knows not to enter sensitive information (passwords or credit card numbers).

25. Get involved in their online life

The best way to keep your child safe online is to get involved in their online life. Ensure you know which websites they’re visiting and what they’re doing online.

If you have any concerns, talk to them about them and see if they can explain what they’re doing.


With the rapidly growing internet usage rate, many children have become more dependent on technology to shop and communicate.

However, they must know how to use the internet safely to avoid cybercriminals lurking online.

Make sure your child knows these tips for staying safe online and knows the potential dangers.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to talk to your child’s teacher, school counselor, or a trusted adult.

The internet can be an excellent tool for kids, but they must stay safe online. These 25 internet safety tips for kids will help you do just that.

Thank you for reading.

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Business writer, part-time teacher, self-taught chef and mom. I love business, finance, trying out new recipes, teaching and learning.