How to Get NSSF Number in Kenya

Tim Jumah

The National Social Security Fund was formed to cater to Kenyans’ security. In this article, we will focus on how to get the NSSF number. The NSSF number protects Kenyan workers in both formal and informal sectors. 

I will take you step by step on how to get the number using your ID number and other details.

Related: How to Register for NHIF in Kenya

How to get an NSSF Number

Here is the procedure for how to get an NSSF number:

  1.     Log in to the NSSF official webpage.
  2.     Select the member’s section option.
  3.     Choose your employment status.
  4.     Click here to request an NSSF number.
  5.     An automatic display of your NSSF number is done after a while.

How to Get an NSSF Number via SMS

You may also want to know how to get the NSSF number via SMS. You can use the following procedure:

  1.     In the recipient field, type 6773.
  2.     In the message field, type NSSF.
  3.     Write your full names.
  4.     Type in your date of birth.
  5.     Type in the request for my NSSF number.

 How to Check NSSF Balance On Phone

How to check NSSF balance is one of the commonly asked questions. This information helps you make an informed decision on how much you should save to achieve your goals within a given number of years.

The process involved is quite simple, just as when you want to check NSSF status. Below is a detailed outline of how to check the NSSF balance on the phone:

  • Use the number 6773 to send NSSF as a message. You will then follow the instruction provided.
  • Type NSSF< leave space> NSSF No < leave space> Date of Full Birth Names, and send it to 6773. This data will be used to validate your legitimacy.

Checking the NSSF number in Kenya

When you register with the NSSF, you get issued an NSSF card that bears your name and NSSF number, among other details. This identifies you as an individual and helps you make your contributions easily.

If you have lost your NSSF card and need to retrieve your number for one reason or another, all you need is a computer or a mobile phone with a stable internet connection.

You can then check the NSSF number online through the NSSF self-service portal. You can likewise contact the NSSF help team to retrieve your NSSF number.

NSSF Card Application in Kenya

Requirements for NSSF application

  1. Before you commence your NSSF card application process, you need to ensure that you have the following documents;
  2. Kenyan National Identity Card or valid passport
  3. Your employer appointment letter. This case applies to all employed persons.
  4. Employer’s name and NSSF number
  5. A valid copy of your Kenya revenue authority (KRA) PIN

NSSF Card Application Procedure

Offline Application

Once you have met the above requirements for an NSSF card application, proceed to the next stage. The offline registration process is as follows:

  1. First, visit any NSSF office branch in your locality or Huduma center. Once there, approach an NSSF officer. They will give you a form to fill out.
  2. Fill in all the necessary details honestly and without any errors
  3. Attach all your documents once done. It is advisable to use certified copies whenever possible
  4. Return the form with the attached documents to the NSSF officer
  5. They will take the complete prints of your fingers for both hands
  6. Later, you will be issued an NSSF membership card at the same station.

Online Application

The voluntary (self-employed) NSSF member and the employed member can apply for their NSSF card number in Kenya online.

Note that you must have all the requirements as explained above. The documents help with easy NSSF card processing.

  1. Once you have all the documents with you, apply as follows:
  2. Visit the NSSF official web page.
  3. Click on the NSSF: Members section.
  4. Choose accordingly, depending on your employment status.
  5. Alternatively, you can download the NSSF card forms from the website, fill them out, and submit them at your nearest NSSF branch.

 How to Get NSSF Statement

At the moment, NSSF makes contribution statements available via three methods:

  1. Physically visiting the fund’s offices
  2. The online portal
  3. Mobile-based apps

The most recommended and efficient method to retrieve your statement is using the app and the self-service portal.

How to Check NSSF statement via mobile phone app

NSSF mobile app is available on both Android and IOS platforms.

Download the app on the app store or play store

Here is the procedure:

  1. After installation, launch the app
  2. You will be prompted to create an offline credential using a password and username. Save the personal details by selecting ‘save offline login.’
  3. A notification, ‘Login saved,’ will appear, signaling a successful creation of login data.
  4. Click ‘ok.’
  5. Proceed and use the verified offline login details to access the app features.
  6. After successful login, you will be prompted
  7. Then go ahead and tap on ‘Add new member.’
  8. To continue at this point, you must have registered on the NSSF e-service. If registered, continue and input your e-service username and password plus the NSSF member’s number.
  9. If not cataloged into the NSSF e-service, click the button, ‘Not registered? Register. Include the details required, validate and save.
  10. A notification displayed as a ‘member created’ confirms successful registration. Click the ‘ok’ option.
  11. The app will then take you to a page where you will be prompted to select the indicated identity credentials.
  12. The app will redirect you to a new interphase layout that displays a member’s account and gives you various options to select. In this case, tap on ‘View statement.’
  13. Download the statement if prompted and view it from your device.

How to get the NSSF statement on the self-service portal

You must first be registered within the online portal to take advantage of the provisions of the web-based system.

Follow the steps below to access your e-statement.

  1. Launch the NSSF Self-Service portal on your browser.
  2. On the e-portal, click on the “Member self-service links “option.
  3. Hover and select the ‘NSSF contributions statement’ tab of the several links displayed.
  4. A statement’s account login page displays. Have an NSSF username and password to allow you to log in. After filling out the login details correctly, proceed and enable account privileges.
  5. After logging in, expect a welcome remark. Click on the provided link on the page to continue.
  6. After the page redirects you to your account, scroll to select the statement period you wish to access. Click on “Issue account.”


NSSF registration will work well for you as a Kenyan citizen. Besides, it has various advantages that will always benefit you at the end of the tunnel. Get your NSSF number today to enjoy a better tomorrow.

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Jumah has been a content writer for business and technology topics since early 2019. He has experience in writing and marketing and is dedicated to creating informative and engaging content.
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