10 Causes of Corruption in Kenya According to Research

Anne Katana

Today we will look at the causes of corruption in Kenya. For a long time, corruption has been recognized as a global problem that significantly affects society.

According to Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index, Kenya ranks 124 out of 180 countries yearly. Corruption has adverse effects on developing countries, which are often characterized by high poverty levels and low social spending, while developed countries have low levels of corruption.

To fight corruption in Kenya, we have to look at the causes of corruption in Kenya.

Causes of Corruption in Kenya

According to this research, the following factors are the leading causes of corruption in Kenya and globally:

1. Greed of Money

The leading cause of corruption in Kenya is greed, associated with the desire for money or power.

It also includes the desire to gain an undue advantage over other people in a competitive environment and unhealthy cravings toward material objects such as property, cars, jewelry, etc.

Greed is based on selfishness and self-centered behavior that motivates corruption when needs are satisfied.

2. Higher levels of market and political monopolization

Another cause of corruption in Kenya is the high level of market and political monopolization. This issue leads to increased competition, which amounts to a race for fulfilling one’s selfish interests.

When there is a strong monopoly in the market, it can lead to higher prices and lower-quality products. When only one party is involved in running the government, it can lower taxes and corrupt laws and regulations.

3. Low levels of democracy, weak civil participation, and low political transparency

Kenya is a young democracy that has not yet reached the level of participatory and transparent governance. According to research, Kenya is going through a political transition that manifests itself by consolidating democratic institutions and deepening civil participation.

Political transparency also contributes to corruption in Kenya, making public information available only to those with access to it.

4. Higher levels of bureaucracy and inefficient administrative structures

Whenever there is a higher level of bureaucracy, there is a low level of organizational efficiency. This also results in higher costs for taxpayers and slows down the government process, leading to corruption.

5. Low press freedom

The press is an important institution that keeps the government in check and serves as an “early warning system” to prevent corruption.

The corruption problem is less likely to occur in societies with press freedom, with a greater risk for degeneration in countries with limited press freedom.

With limited press freedomere are weak laws and regulations, the level of corruption increases. This also happens when there is a lack of well-designed processes and transparency in government decisions.

7. Low economic freedom

The research also suggests that another cause of corruption in Kenya is low financial freedom. Countries with less economic freedom often have higher levels of corruption and slower growth rates. Kenya is no exception, where the economy is partially liberalized, and the business environment still needs to be improved.

8. Large ethnic divisions and high levels of in-group favoritism

Ethnic divisions in Kenya are still strong and lead to corruption, resulting from bias towards one’s ethnic group. This also includes higher levels of corruption within the same ethnic community or groups engaged in corrupt activities.

9. High levels of income inequality

Another cause of corruption in Kenya is a high level of income inequality, leading to discrimination against certain groups in society. Countries with higher imbalances are more likely to have higher levels of

10. Poverty

Considered the primary cause of corruption in Kenya, poverty can lead to different types of corruption. For instance, when people are deprived of basic living needs, they may be forced to take bribes to survive.

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Anne is a student of history. She enjoys sharing her passion and experiences with people through blogging. She started nasonga.com to educate and inspire people globally.