Working From Home: 10 Essential Tips For Kenyans

Anne Katana

Working from home is seen as a privilege for many people. Working at home can be rewarding because it allows you to spend more time with your family and friends.

However, working at home also has its downside, such as feeling isolated or not getting enough sleep.

Finding the right work-life balance that works for you is the key to operating successfully from home.

Here are some tips on how to do just that:

Tips for working at home

1. Create a great workspace

Creating a great workspace will make you feel better about your home and help you stay organized and productive.

Working from home can be hectic, so creating a visually appealing and comfortable space will help keep things in check.

If possible, consider using an office or spare bedroom as your work area for the following reasons:

  • Keeps distractions out of the way. Working from a ‘home office’ sends the message to family and friends that this is where the personal business should occur. Use curtains or closed doors to create privacy while working.
  • Make sure to tell friends/family about your new workplace! Some people may try to come to ask questions when they think you are “at work.”
  • It keeps you organized. Working from home can get messy fast, with work papers and personal items strewn all over the place.
  • Make sure that your office space is well organized so essential papers are always at hand.
  • If you often work on business-related tasks in more than one room or area of your home.
  • Be sure to establish a central location to keep all necessary paperwork in one place, such as a folder for receipts or an accordion file box where each section has paper and pens/pencils for jotting down notes as they come up.

2. Find the right time to work

The most challenging thing about working from home is finding the right balance between work and personal life.

Working from home is always more isolating than having co-workers around you. So it’s important to remember that you don’t have to be working all the time!

Working from home doesn’t mean staying confined to your office for hours on end. It allows you to structure your day. However, it best suits you. Some ideas include:

  • Set a schedule – if possible, begin (and end) each day with a work session. Working in the morning can help give an energized boost of motivation before taking off for the rest of the day, while getting things done in the evening can help take some weight off your shoulders at night and leave you without any tasks hanging over your head. Working middle of the day can also be very productive, as most people take a mid-day break from work and get refreshed afterward.
  • Limit your time – Working at home carries with it the danger of getting caught up in personal tasks or activities while you are supposed to be working. Set aside time slots each day you cannot leave for any reason (this might work best after you’ve finished your first session). Working on short deadlines is a great way to keep yourself motivated and focused when working from home. Most important: Make sure to set clear limits.

3. Find someone to talk with

One thing many people find difficult about working from home is the lack of social interaction.

Working at home means being isolated from co-workers and, if you work on a computer, even more so from the world (especially when you have headphones or earplugs).

Working from home can be very lonely sometimes, so it’s essential to find ways to keep yourself motivated throughout the day!

Some ideas include:

  • Working out of your local coffee shop is always better with a good cup of coffee in front of you, especially once your creative juices start flowing! Working out of public places such as libraries or cafes helps eliminate isolation while working at home. It also allows you to catch up with friends/family during your downtime.
  • Working outside – Working outdoors gives you a chance to be in your environment while acting as if you are working. It is even better when the weather permits, so take advantage of nice weather when it comes! Working on your front porch/patio or backyard can provide extra air and light that the indoor office doesn’t have. Sometimes, being out in nature can give you an extra energy boost that gets things done faster (and more efficiently).

4. Take a Break (or Two)

While working from home might seem like the perfect way to work and spend time with your family simultaneously, it’s also a very isolating job.

Working alone most of the day can get tiring, so you need to make sure that you take breaks throughout the day!

Try taking breaks as often as possible (and take them seriously!).

5. Create a Daily Routine

Having a routine is the best way to ensure that you aren’t wasting too much time throughout your workday.

Working at home lets you be very flexible in your schedule, so don’t forget to keep things organized!

Working from home can sometimes mean getting off track with your main tasks and ending up working on everything BUT what you need to get done. Having a daily routine or schedule helps prevent this.

6. Don’t Overwork Yourself

Working from home certainly comes with difficulties and challenges, but it also has great benefits!

It allows for increased flexibility in how you plan out your daily schedule (unlike office jobs) while still allowing you to work on your terms.

Working from home is a desirable option for many people, but it does come with a few things you should keep in mind if you are counting on working from home to turn into a legitimate job for the long term.

7. Make Use of Your Existing Skills and Education

Working at home can give you a lot more freedom than an office job, especially when picking up new skills or education.

Working from home presents you with an excellent opportunity to learn skills that help advance your career or just for fun!

8. Consider Working Part-Time

Working at home can be very difficult when juggling family and your job: Working from home often means working almost 24/7 (or trying).

Working constantly takes a toll on the body, so you must take time out of each day to relax and unwind.

It also means being “on call” most of the time. Try setting aside a few hours every evening as “off duty” hours where you are not expected to work.

9. Try Using Different Locations

Working at home can sometimes come with many distractions (often from people around you), so you must find ways to improve your situation and make the most out of where you are.

It certainly offers some freedom in organizing, but finding ways to get the job done is crucial when necessary distractions arise.

10. Make Use of Forums/Communities

While working from home might seem like a good idea, you must consider all pros and cons before quitting your day job.

Working from home often means taking on extra responsibilities, whereas office jobs give more benefits and certain benefits over working at home.

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Anne is a student of history. She enjoys sharing her passion and experiences with people through blogging. She started to educate and inspire people globally.
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