25 Best Final Exam Study Tips – 2025 Update

Ida Musyoka

Finals season is coming up, so students around the country are cramming in information and trying to figure out how to best prepare for their exams. This blog post will discuss the best final exam study tips to help you prepare for your exams. So, read on and get started!

While there is no perfect way to study for finals, some techniques work better than others.

Related: Best Study Tips for Exams.

25 Best Final Exam Study Tips

Here are 25 of the best final exam study tips from top students and educators.

1. Get plenty of sleep!

Sleep is your body’s time to recharge, so don’t attempt to pull an all-nighter before finals. Even if you have a lot of work, try to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night.

2. Get to know your professor

If you have a good relationship with your professor, it will be much easier for them to recommend suitable study materials or provide extra credit opportunities.

Additionally, they’ll be more willing to help if you’re struggling in the class, so start building that relationship early in the semester.

3. Read up on current events

Current events are a great way to spice up the material you’re learning in class. And if your professor ever puts a recent event on the test, studying things like politics or international relations will not only help you do well on the question, but it’ll also come as a surprise to other students who didn’t bother doing additional research.

4. Make a study group

Studying with friends and classmates is a great way to get together and help with complex material.

Not everyone learns the same way, so if one person has figured something out, they can likely help others who are having trouble with the same concept.

Plus, teaming up on review sessions will keep you accountable for studying regularly.

Related: How to Prepare for Exams in a Week.

5. Take advantage of office hours!

If your professor is willing to hold office hours, try setting up some time with them to help you review material or offer feedback on projects individually. This is also an excellent opportunity to ask any questions that may have come up in class.

6. Make flashcards!

Flashcards are a great way to test your knowledge of key terms and concepts, which is why they’re one of the best final exam study tips.

In short, concise phrases, writing down information helps reinforce what you’ve learned in your head, so try making some flashcards for the concepts you’re struggling with.

7. Practice, practice, practice!

Practice makes perfect, and there’s no better time to be practicing than during finals season.

If your professor has given out free-response or essay questions, try copying them and writing sample answers in your spare time.

This will help strengthen your writing skills, which will come in handy when it’s time to tackle the essays on finals.

8. Learn how to balance school and life outside of school!

Balancing academics with your life outside school is crucial for staying sane during finals season.

Make sure you’re getting enough sleep at night and taking breaks during the day, and don’t be afraid to take on some extra help if you think it will help with your grades.

9. Study in the library instead of your dorm room or apartment.

It’s essential to get out of your comfort zone and study in a space you wouldn’t usually go to, and the library can be an excellent place for this.

Dorm rooms and apartments are often filled with distractions like food or roommates, plus there is less room for you to spread out your notes.

See also: 15 Success Tips for School Students in 2022.

10. Outline your notes before starting your essays or free-response questions.

Creating an outline for your essays and free-response questions will help you organize the information in a way that makes sense, which is why it’s one of the best final exam study tips.

If you’re having trouble with organization, figuring out how to create an outline will give you a good idea of structuring your answer.

Read also, How to Focus on Studies Without Getting Distracted.

11. Don’t procrastinate!

Don’t wait until the last minute to study for finals – it will only worsen things. Start studying early.

Set reminders on your phone or calendar about when projects are due, and start creating a schedule for yourself, so you know what you need to get done each day.

12. Use all available resources, including teachers, classmates, online tools, etc.

No one person has all the answers, so use whatever you can. If a classmate or teacher knows something that could help you understand a concept better, try talking to them about it.

Of course, many online tools and websites can provide additional information to help you do well on exams. Be sure to check them out!

13. Don’t wait until the last minute to start studying!

It’s crucial to start studying early, which is why it’s one of the best final exam study tips.

By starting your studies early and getting a good head start, you’ll have more time to review what you’ve learned and won’t be as stressed outcome of the test day. Equally important, if something comes up and you need more time, you’ll have it!

14. Choose a good time and place to study.

Everyone has a different studying style, so finding the best time and place to study is crucial.

If you’re someone who does better with silence, try studying in a quiet area where there won’t be any distractions.

But if background noise helps you focus, study in a coffee shop or library with plenty of other people.

15. Take good notes!

One of the most crucial final exam study tips is taking good notes. Not only will taking good notes make reviewing your material more accessible.

It will also help you study in general because when you’re trying to create an outline for your essay or free-response questions, you’ll also have an excellent foundation to start from.

16. Organize your material.

Once you have a solid grasp on the material, organize it so that when it comes time for you to take a test or write an essay, you’ll be prepared and ready to go!

There are a few different ways to organize: create flashcards of essential terms and concepts.

Start creating an outline of the vital information you’re learning, and continue to add to it as you learn more, or make a study schedule to know when and what you need to study.

Also, read Tips on How to Pass an Exam Successfully.

17. Join in-class review sessions if they are offered.

If your school offers in-class review sessions for finals, go to them! It will help you get a better idea of what to expect on the test, and if you’re having trouble understanding things in class, speaking to your teacher about these concepts might make it easier when it comes time for final exams.

18. Write down anything that is confusing or makes you feel nervous.

If you come across anything you find confusing during your studies or are having trouble understanding, write it down! Knowing that it’s written out might help you understand the concept better.

And if not, at least when it comes time for finals or your exam later on in the semester, you’ll be able to refer back to what was bothering you before.

19. Take practice tests to see what questions your final exam asks.

You can never be too prepared, so taking practice tests during the semester is essential to understand what questions are asked on finals or exams for other classes.

These practice tests will help you determine how much studying you need before test day!

20. Get enough sleep the night before finals/your exam.

Like the concept of taking practice tests, getting enough sleep before your final exams or exam in another class is essential.

If you’re exhausted and haven’t gotten a good night’s rest, it will be harder for you to concentrate and focus, which you need if you want to do well on your exam.

21. Eat a healthy breakfast before finals/your exam.

Like getting enough sleep the night before your final exams or exam, eating a good breakfast will help give you the energy and nutrients needed to stay focused during your test!

22. Relax!

One of the most crucial final exam study tips is to relax! You’ve studied and worked hard for your exams and deserve a break at this point in the semester.

Take some time to unwind with friends or family after finals or your other class’s exam; it’ll help you feel better and be ready to take on finals next semester!

23. Ask for help.

If you don’t understand something during your final exam studies, ask someone for help! Whether it’s your teacher or a family member.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed about the material covered on finals or exams in another class, talking to someone might help alleviate some of this stress and allow you to feel better about the material itself.

24. Don’t cram!

Cramming is one of the worst things you can do before finals or an exam because it stresses you out and makes you feel overwhelmed rather than helps you study efficiently for your test.

Studying earlier in the week means more time to review your notes and materials and won’t overwhelm you as much as learning the night before your exam will.

See also How to Focus on Studying When Depressed.

25. Don’t be afraid to fail.

It’s easy to become overwhelmed with fear at finals, especially if you’ve been working hard and getting good grades all semester long, but it’s important not to let that fear keep you from trying your best!

When you think about what you need to do to succeed, focus on those things and let go of the fear that might be holding you back.

Studying is essential, but so are your sleep habits. If you want to be at the top of your class, try these final exam study tips out for yourself and see what works best.

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Business writer, part-time teacher, self-taught chef and mom. I love business, finance, trying out new recipes, teaching and learning.