20 Decluttering Tips for Hoarders Who Want to Get Organized

Anne Katana

This article will look at the best decluttering tips for Hoarders in 2023. Many people struggle with clutter and Disorganization, but it can be a much more severe issue for some. If your home is filled with so many things that it’s difficult to move around or clean, you may be a hoarder.

Hoarding can be a complex condition to overcome and might cause stress and anxiety. If you’re a hoarder who wants to declutter your home, here are 20 tips that can help you get started:

Who is a Hoarder?

Before we get into the tips, it’s important to understand what hoarding is and is not.

Hoarding is the excessive collection of items to the point where it becomes problematic. It’s not simply being messy or being a Pack Rat.

Hoarders often feel emotionally attached to their belongings and find it difficult to let go of them. This can cause them to accumulate clutter when their home becomes unusable.

What is Not Considered Hoarding?

A few things are not considered hoarding, even if they might be cluttered or disorganized.

  • Having a lot of stuff does not automatically mean you’re a hoarder. You might be messy or have a packrat mentality.
  • If you have valuable items for which you don’t have the space, it’s not considered hoarding.
  • If you have a lot of animals in your home, it’s not automatically considered hoarding. However, if the animals live in unsanitary conditions or you cannot care for them properly, it might be viewed as hoarding.

20 Decluttering Tips for Hoarders:

Now that you have a better understanding of what hoarding is, let’s get into the 20 decluttering tips for hoarders.

1. Start

The first and most important thing you need to do is start. If you don’t take the first step, you’ll never get anywhere like any other goal.

When you decide to declutter your home, take one small step. Maybe it’s cleaning out one drawer or throwing away one trash bag.

I know it can be daunting to tackle the entire project, but if you break it down into small steps, it will be much more manageable.

2. Don’t add more stuff

One of the biggest problems for hoarders is that they often add more stuff to their collection, even when trying to declutter.

It’s important to commit not to add more items to your home while decluttering. This means no more shopping, no more yard sales, and no more online purchases.

You can use the following tips to help you stick to this commitment:

  • Make a list of things you need and only buy those items
  • Only bring necessary home items
  • Have a garage sale or donate items to charity
  • Put that money in a savings account for something special once your decluttering project is complete.

3. Take it slow

It’s important to take your time when decluttering. There’s no need to rush, and you don’t want to get overwhelmed.

You’ll likely give up or make mistakes if you try decluttering too fast.

Take your time and focus on one area at a time. Once that area is decluttered, move on to the next one.

4. Make a plan

Before you start decluttering, it’s helpful to make a plan. This will help ensure you’re organized and know what you’re doing.

Your plan can include things like:

  • Which areas of your home you declutter
  • The order in which you’ll declutter those areas
  • What you’ll do with the decluttering items (donate, sell, trash, etc.)

Having a plan will make the process much easier and less overwhelming.

5. Set some rules

To help you declutter more effectively, setting some rules for yourself can be helpful.

These rules can be anything you want, but some examples include:

  • You must get rid of one item for every new item you bring into the house
  • You can’t keep more than X number of items in each category
  • If you haven’t used it in X amount of time, you need to get rid of it
  • You can only keep items that fit in a certain space

These rules will help keep you on track and prevent you from adding more clutter to your home.

6. Get rid of duplicates

One of the easiest decluttering tips for hoarders is eliminating duplicate items.

Do you have two or more of the same item? If so, get rid of one of them.

You don’t need multiple items taking up space in your home when you can have one.

7. Get rid of excess stuff

If you have a lot of stuff you don’t use or need, it’s time to get rid of it.

Ask yourself if you’ve used the item in the past year and are likely to use it in the future. If the answer is no, then get rid of it.

You can sell it, donate it, or trash it. Just get rid of it!

8. Organize your stuff

Organizing your stuff is one way to make it easier to keep your home decluttered.

If everything has a place, putting things away and keeping your home clean will be much easier.

You can buy storage containers or buy some shelving to help you organize.

9. Make use of vertical space

Another way to declutter your home is to make use of vertical space.

If you have a lot of stuff, investing in some shelving or racks can be helpful. This will help you keep your belongings off the floor and better use your space.

10. Don’t forget about closets

Closets are another area of your home that can easily become cluttered.

If you have a lot of clothes, shoes, or accessories, it’s important to organize them so they don’t take up too much space.

Use closet organizers or shelving to help you keep your clothes and accessories organized.

11. Use labels

When you’re trying to declutter your home, labels can be your best friend.

Labels will help you track what goes where and make it easier to find things when needed.

You can buy labels or make your own.

12. Purge your paper

Gather all the paper in your house and start going through it.

You’ll be surprised how much paper you have that you don’t need.

Throw away any junk mail, old bills, or other paperwork you don’t need. Recycle anything else that you can.

13. Get rid of unused gifts

Do you have gifts that you’ve never used? If so, it’s time to let them go. Unused gifts take up valuable space in your home and can constantly remind you of your past. If you have any unused gifts, give them to someone who will appreciate them.

14. Donate unwanted items

If you have things you no longer need or want, consider donating them to a local charity. Many organizations accept donations of clothes, furniture, and other household items.

15. Recycle unwanted items

Recycling them instead if you can’t donate or sell your unwanted items. Many recycling centers accept a variety of materials, including paper, plastic, and metal.

16. Get rid of broken items

Do you have any broken things around your house? If so, it’s time to get rid of them.

Broken items take up valuable space and can be a safety hazard. If you have any broken items, throw them away or recycle them.

17. Get rid of old electronics

Old electronics can be a real pain to deal with. Consider recycling them if you have any old computers, printers, or other electronics.

Many companies will recycle your old electronics for you.

18. Have a garage sale

Consider having a garage sale if you have many items you no longer need. This is a great way to eliminate unwanted items and make extra money.

Just advertise your garage sale beforehand so people know when and where to find it.

19. Rent a storage unit

If you’re struggling to declutter your home, you may consider renting a storage unit.

A storage unit can be a great place to store seasonal items or belongings you don’t need daily.

Just choose a unit close to your home so it’s easy to access when needed.

20. Hire a professional

Consider hiring a professional organizer if you feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start.

A professional organizer can help you declutter your home and create a system that works for you. Just be sure to shop around and compare prices before you hire anyone.

You can look for The Institute for Challenging Disorganization, which provides education and training to people with chronic Disorganization.

Decluttering your home can be daunting, but it’s worth it. By following these decluttering tips for hoarders, you can eliminate the clutter in your home and create a more organized and comfortable living space.

Benefits of decluttering your home:

The above decluttering tips for hoarders are a great start to decluttering your home, but the benefits don’t stop there. Here are a few more reasons why you should consider decluttering your house:

1. You’ll save time

When your home is cluttered, finding things you need cannot be easy. This can waste a lot of time.

By decluttering your home, you can save yourself time and frustration.

2. You’ll save money

When your home is cluttered, buying new things to replace the items you can’t find can be tempting.

However, this can quickly add up and leave you with many unnecessary expenses.

You can save money and avoid these unnecessary purchases by decluttering your home.

3. Be more organized

A cluttered home can be chaotic and stressful. You’ll create a more organized and peaceful environment by decluttering your home.

This will help you to feel more relaxed and in control.

4. Improve your health

Living in a cluttered home can be detrimental to your health. Dust and mold can trigger allergies and asthma.

In addition, a cluttered home can also be a breeding ground for pests, which can spread diseases. By decluttering your home, you can improve your health and well-being.

5. Boost your mood

Living in a cluttered home can be overwhelming and depressing.

However, you can create a more positive and uplifting environment by decluttering your home. This can help to improve your mood and overall outlook on life.

As you can see, there are many benefits to decluttering your home. So what are you waiting for? Start decluttering today!

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Anne is a student of history. She enjoys sharing her passion and experiences with people through blogging. She started nasonga.com to educate and inspire people globally.
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