List of 47 Counties in Kenya and Their Headquarters

Anne Katana

The 2010 Kenyan Constitution divided the country into 47 counties. Each county is headed by a governor, who the county’s residents elect. The counties act as administrative divisions of the country and provide local services such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure development.

Each county is further subdivided into constituencies and wards represented by MPs and MCAs.

Since implementing this new administrative structure, Kenya has seen an improvement in the delivery of services to its citizens. The devolved system of government has also led to a more equitable distribution of resources across the country.

List of 47 Counties in Kenya and Their Headquarters

Below is a list of the 47 counties in Kenya and their headquarters:

Code​​  County Name County Headquarters
1 Mombasa Mombasa City
2 Kwale Kwale
3 Kilifi Kilifi
4 Tana River Hola
5 Lamu Lamu
6 Taita–Taveta Mwatate
7 Garissa Garissa
8 Wajir Wajir
9 Mandera Mandera
10 Marsabit Marsabit
11 Isiolo Isiolo
12 Meru Meru
13 Tharaka-Nithi Kathwana
14 Embu Embu
15 Kitui Kitui
16 Machakos Machakos
17 Makueni Wote
18 Nyandarua Ol Kalou
19 Nyeri Nyeri
20 Kirinyaga Kerugoya
21 Murang’a Murang’a
22 Kiambu Kiambu
23 Turkana Lodwar
24 West Pokot Kapenguria
25 Samburu Maralal
26 Trans-Nzoia Kitale
27 Uasin Gishu Eldoret
28 Elgeyo-Marakwet Iten
29 Nandi Kapsabet
30 Baringo Kabarnet
31 Laikipia Nanyuki
32 Nakuru Nakuru City
33 Narok Narok
34 Kajiado Kajiado
35 Kericho Kericho
36 Bomet Bomet
37 Kakamega Kakamega
38 Vihiga Mbale
39 Bungoma Bungoma
40 Busia Busia
41 Siaya Siaya
42 Kisumu Kisumu City
43 Homa Bay Homa Bay
44 Migori Migori
45 Kisii Kisii
46 Nyamira Nyamira
47 Nairobi Nairobi City
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Anne is a student of history. She enjoys sharing her passion and experiences with people through blogging. She started to educate and inspire people globally.
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